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COSMOS H2 and Zero Air Generators

Specially designed for GC applications, COSMOS generators represent the cutting edge of F-DGSi innovation. Combining convenience and reliability, the COSMOS range is the stackable and modular solution that combines H2 and Zero Air for carrier gas, makeup gas, reference gas and sample preparation. The great success of this range is the flexibility it offers in specifying the models best suited to your application (standard or high purity gas). 

The COSMOS MF.H2 Generator is designed for GC-carrier gas and detectors requiring Hydrogen fuel gas, such as FID, FPD, NPD and TCD

EST analytical is now the USA distributor for F-DGSi a manufacturer of gas generators designed to meet all gas requirements. These generators are state of the art in performance and have been tested and approved by each of the major instrument manufacturers to provide optimal gas quality.

Key Features

  • The Hydrogen gas is produced from deionized water using the exclusive 100% titanium Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology, which provides a very high reliability,  longer life and better H2 purity. 
  • The exclusive cold dual dynamic regeneration dryer is completely maintenance free and eliminates all down time for maintenance that is typical of other systems on the market, guaranteeing the best hydrogen purity 24 hours a day. 
  • The automatic checking for internal leaks whenever starting the units and constant control of operating parameters, guarantee maximum safety. 
  • The touch screen LCD interface provides simple and user-friendly management of all functions on the unit.
EST Analytical & TSHR

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