Tiered Service Plans
Unlimited Technical Phone Support
Remote Access Support
Preventative Maintenance
Sample Pathway Coverage
Loaner Instruments
Spare Parts Kit
Reponse Time - 48 Hours
Unlimited Technical Phone Support
Remote Access Support
Preventative Maintenance
Sample Pathway Coverage
Loaner Instruments
Spare Parts Kit
Reponse Time - 48 Hours
Unlimited Technical Phone Support
Remote Access Support
Preventative Maintenance
Sample Pathway Coverage
Loaner Instruments
Spare Parts Kit
Reponse Time - 48 Hours
*For Purge and Trap products only
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More Details

Includes all hardware and electronic parts required to resolve an issue with the exception of sample pathway and consumable items.
All plan levels include labor time to resolve issues.
All plan levels include travel time to resolve issues.
Technical Phone Support
All plan levels include unlimited technical phone support to resolve issues.
Remote Access Support
Enhanced technical support via remote access to EST Analytical product lines.
Preventative Maintenance
One preventative maintenance on-site call per year.
Sample Pathway Coverage
Repair of sample pathway as a result of sample induced issues in compliance with the terms and conditions of the plan level agreement.
Loaner Instruments
Loaner instruments provided for EST Analytical product lines that require return to depot repair
Spare Parts Kit
On-site supply of common repair and preventative maintenance parts

Instruments Covered

Archon and 8100
81 and 51 Position Purge and Trap Autosampler
EST Analytical provides multi-vendor support for purge and trap products as well as system support of complete VOC lines including GC and GC/MS.
Other Options
Parts Only Agreement
Perfect for the self maintainers. All hardware and electronic parts provided along with EST’s unlimited Technical Phone Support.
PM Only Services
EST Analytical provides preventative maintenance solutions that are designed to help your instrumentation maintain peak performance.
Block of Time (BOT)
BOT Service Plans are a cost effective alternative to full service agreements. These plans are not tied to any one instrument thus affording the laboratory the flexibility to place service where it is needed. The program consists of prepaid blocks of labor with a 72 hour response time. Labor rate discounts are applied according to the block size.

In-House Depot Repair
EST offers Bench Repair solutions for a wide variety of instrumentation. All you need to do is package the instrument and ship it to us, and our trained bench repair technicians can troubleshoot and repair your problem in a timely manner. If you would like, an optional analytical evaluation can be done after any repair.
Per Incident Repairs
EST Analytical offers competitive labor rates for incidental repair services for your Purge and Trap and GC and GC/MS systems.
Star Service Program
EST Analytical is nationally recognized as a Star Service Provider. You may use your Star Dollars towards any one of our plan levels or the options listed above.