EST Solutions Group

EST Analytical provides on-site service for a variety of Sample Introduction Products including Purge and Trap / VOC Instrumentation and GC Autosamplers interfaced with GC and GCMS products. The Service Group at EST Analytical brings over 150 years of VOC application experience to your laboratory. Our specific knowledge base of Purge and Trap Instrumentation along with factory training on GC and GCMS products sets us apart from alternative service solutions due to our “Complete System” approach to troubleshooting.

Service tech and lab tech shaking hands.

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Two people talking in a lab.

Tiered Service Plans

To continue to get the best performance from your EST product you can extend the benefits from the standard instrument warranty.

There are three different service levels for our Tiered Service Plans and each service level includes different services. To ensure productivity and availability for critical systems, we can offer fast response times and priority handling for technical support and repairs.
Tiered Service Plans are also ideal in order to avoid unplanned expenses and as such a very cost-effective way to maximize your instrument’s performance, matching your requirements with your budget constraints.
Tech servicing equipment.

Block of Time Service

When you’re looking for affordable and reliable on-site service, look no further than the Solutions Group at EST. Today’s labs are constantly changing and adapting to the needs of their customers. They need the flexibility and security of knowing their instruments are running productively to get their work done on-time reliably. The Service Group at EST Analytical brings over 150 years of VOC application experience to your laboratory.

A Block of Time is pre-purchased labor that is used to provide service on a variety of instruments.

Key Benefits:

  • Block pricing is based on our standard labor rates with discounts applied based on the size of the block.
  • Unlike a traditional service agreement, a block is not tied to any one instrument, giving you the flexibility to use hours you have purchased based on the maintenance needs of your laboratory.

On-Demand Services


When an instrument breaks down, you need a fast and reliable response to get your lab up and running again. EST On Demand Services offer a level of expertise and responsiveness you can feel confident about. All repairs are performed by knowledgeable professionals using genuine factory parts. Our staff of Field Service Engineers have years of experience, so you know that the job will be done right the first time.

Distributors Portal

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EST Analytical & TSHR

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As a visitor from the Americas, you have been redirected to our American partner, EST Analytical.