Auto-Abel Flash Point Tester - 34200-2
The automatic Abel module complies with Abel flash point test procedures that are used both nationally and internationally. The multiflash base unit, a water bath, a sample cup and lid, temperature probes, a flash detector, and a DIPS pod with the dipping mechanism, a co-axial gas/electric ignitor, and a stirrer are all included.
The Multiflash Universal Base Unit (34000-0) and the Cooling Boost Module (34008-0) are both built into the Auto-Abel.
Interchangeable test cup modules allow all primary flashpoint test methods to be performed, users can select from the following options:
- 34200-0 Abel (IP 170; IP 492; EN ISO 13736; ISO 1523)
- 34300-2 Cleveland (ASTM D92; IP 36; EN ISO 2592)
- 34400-0 Tag (ASTM D56; IP 491,492; ISO 1516,1523)
Key Features
- Full compliance with the test method
- Tests for equilibrium and non-equilibrium
- Automatic setting of test conditions
- Electric or gas ignition
- Flash detection and automatic heating
- Automatic test results with an audible test-end alert
- Temperature display in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Automated barometric adjustment
International Regulatory Compliance Methods
- IP 170
- IP 492
- BS 3900-A9 & BS 6664-2 & ISO 1523
- BS EN ISO 13736 & BS 2000-170