ASTM D5808

ASTM D5808 is the Standard Test Method for Determining Organic Chlorine in Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals by Microcoulometry

This test method covers the determination of organic chloride in aromatic hydrocarbons, their derivatives, and related chemicals.

The method is applicable to samples with chloride concentrations to 25 mg/kg. The limit of detection (LOD) is 0.2 mg/kg and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) is 0.7 mg/kg. With careful analytical technique or the measurement of replicates, or both, this method can be used to successfully analyze concentrations below the LOD.

Our Solutions for ASTM D5808

To comply with ASTM D5808 method, EST & TSHR offer the NEXIS TX and TX 6000/7000 series with syringe liquids sample introduction module. Fully automated analysis with the AS120 liquids autosampler configurations supported with temperature-controlled sample trays can be applied.

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