ASTM D3246

ASTM D3246 is the Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry

Trace quantities of Sulfur compounds in hydrocarbon products can be harmful to many catalytic chemical processes in which these products are used. Maximum permissible levels of Total Sulfur are normally included in specifications for such hydrocarbons. It is recommended that this test method be used to provide a basis for agreement between two laboratories when the determination of Sulfur in hydrocarbon gases is important.

ASTM D3246 covers determination of Sulfur in the range from 1.5 to 100 mg/kg (ppm by mass) by weight in hydrocarbon products that are gaseous at normal room temperature and pressure.

Our Solutions for ASTM D3246

To comply with ASTM D3246, EST & TSHR offer Total Sulfur series model analyzers NEXIS TX and TX 6000/7000 with oxidative microcoulometric titration and combined instrument configurations like TS/TX with semi-automatic syringe or fully automatic liquids injection through AS120 model Liquids Autosampler model configurations for trace level Total Sulfur analysis.

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