Discontinued Products
For EST Analytical the Discontinued Phase means that we are no longer selling or manufacturing a product. Full service is supported and still provided during this phase, but product updates are less frequent.
As a general rule, EST Analytical provides support for all products as long as parts and materials are readily available. On average this has resulted in a minimum of seven years support, starting from the date of the last shipment of the product (in this case the end of 2020).
Key support elements for each of our products are evaluated yearly to make sure we can exceed customer requirements and expectations.
The support elements that we evaluate include:
• Availability of repair parts
• Availability of documentation
• Availability of upgrades to extend support options
• Field service technical expertise and certification levels
• Overall technical support expertise

Discontinued: December 2020
Obsolete Products
For EST Analytical the Obsolete Phase means that we can no longer consistently meet or exceed customer expectations regarding any of the key support elements, usually due to an inability to source parts or software obsolescence, the product is moved to the Obsolete Phase.
A product in the Obsolete Phase can be supported only on a time and material “best effort” basis because the level of support is limited by one of the key support elements. This means that EST can provide service and support only for application based scenarios using the existing instrument as no parts are available.


Obsolete: December 2018